What are you looking for?
Your heirs have this earth dominated, certainly wielding a sharp sword
Envy, Rage, Panic, Angst, Crime
What are you looking for?
Your prized possessions rush through every heart and every mind, causing endless rows
Unrest, Powerlessness, Second-doubting, Despairing, Blood
What are you looking for?
Your reign benefits no one and not even you, who delights in making pain?
Ignorance, Complains, Inaction, Passivity, Slaves
What are you looking for?
One man relinquish after another, who learns nothing but begs for everything
Death, Death, Death, Death, Again
What are you looking for?
Sensual pursuits is the only thing remains, robbed of freedom
Drunk, Drugged, Diseased, Deranged, Lost
Just what are you looking for?
How can you ever be in peace? How can you ever know peace?
If it’s only you ruling the world, then all is lost
Without a doubt you are smirking, our princely lord
But damn with you and pity to your heart
There isn’t a thing you are looking for
You are the one who is lost.