“I want my anger back!” says the poet
“Fuck your conformist way of life, you moron” berate the young man
“Passion? What passion? More from your books and papers? More from
your train rides to the library? More of your organic food? More of your
worry about money? More of all this shit you denounced just two years
ago? More of this cowardice? You conforming sellout, Where is your soul
for the absolute?”
I don’t have an answer that can satisfy him,
I did more or less become what this ferocious mind hates,
I am not any crusader except for the cause of self-actualization,
That’s certainly not good enough for him.
“Look, I did become selfish, in the way that I want to live a more comforting
“Pah! Hypocrite! Garbage! Zombie! You are as good as dead! Pah!” He
spits and yells right into my ear. I am paralyzed from his words, because I
am guilty.
“More cigarettes and cigars? Puff yourself to death now! Pah!”
Speechless is all have for him, now we are both silent
he stares at me, I stare at him
What are we going to do?
He is pulling a revival on himself
The seemingly deceased mind unwilling to let go