Oh it’s December 14th already
Days went by without ever saying goodbye
My love, where have you gone?
Is there a graveyard, a heaven or hell for the time passed?
Would you ever come back to my arm, deep in my heart,
on the tip of my lip, greets me with a warm embrace?
No my dear, you leave without a second thought,
Such a bad lover as I am, never cherish each and every moment we share
Perhaps I deserve it, but you do love me
you come back every day and every night
on cold winter snowy days,
on hot summer rainy nights,
you do always come back.
But why do you always leave and reappear?
Can’t you be with me, all the time?
Aren’t we soul mates since we met?
Why always tear my heart open and sew it together with tender kiss?
I never understood you,
twenty-three years, my love, I still don’t really know you.
I can’t even dare to make a promise to treat you better,
because I know I will fail.
The last defense is my fragile honesty,
As a gentleman, I never lied to you, tis proven.
But why do you still bother with me?
Can we become better lovers? Start from now?
You always say “You are just in love with the idea that you are in love.”
Let me get better at loving then, my sweetest.
I am afraid… of you will leave me forever, I am afraid that day will come eventually.
Never leave me? Please?
How can I live without your love?
I love you, another me.
As I grew wiser, I’m knowing you better.
Till that day, let us merry.
Be my bride throughout this eternity.