In exactly 14 days
I will be homeless
For not playing ball
To the Dullest motherfucker
Who needs a friend
that could withstand all
of his bullshit
And a city
So wretched
that it gulps you up
without any pretense
Nor a please & thank you
So chewed up
That one piece does not regard
another piece
with any heart left
I’m fucked
And left alone
The madman who shouted
on the train last night
With his PHD in psychology
was right
and rightfully furious
“It’s all broken and in pieces
Maybe we will fix it
maybe we won’t.”
His mother died today
And he drank beer
from plastic gallon bottles
that he kept in a thin plastic bag
“Fuck you and your
ridiculous sense of fashion”
To a yuppy briefcase-carrier
in the next compartment who’s
grinning in a safe distance.
The madman sang a few more
And stayed inside at the last stop
Then I looked at myself
“Yes boy. I’m
wearing Black as